Josh Cox

presents an interview Tour

Judy Mikovits interviewed by Mikki Willis

2020-05-04 Josh CoxPlandemic


This is an excerpted interview from the Plandemic Movie which is coming out this summer (2020). link

At this point Dr. Fauci is starting to look more and more like Dr. Strangelove.

So is Fauci imitating Werner Von Braun? Was Peter Sellers prophetic and channeling the future Dr. Fauci? Does history repeat itself whilst art imitates the things that rhyme?

As an addendum I’d like to add some of the patents that Fauci’s has ownership in.

Let’s look at some of the propaganda that has been put out opposing this view.

That is an excellent piece of propaganda, it weaves the truth in and spins it in such a way that it directly says NIAID is absolutely manufacturing a competing vaccine, but because many of the little details in some facebook post were wrong the whole narrative is false (which undoubtedly were posted by ‘Russian’ bots, that are actually NSA/CIA bots). But ignores the fact that Fauci’s name will be on one of the vaccine patents, and his name are on many previous vaccine patents, and in the long run he stands to profit greatly if we depend our economy on people being forced to take his vaccines! Or any dependence on vaccines, because the more people are herded into accepting vaccines are the way to deal with a virus in general the more he and his descendants will get filthy rich as everytime any vaccine uses a technique patented by him he will receive a portion of those profits for the lifetime of those patents.